
Hello my name is Graham Royston, I work in the entertaiment industry for a large cinema chain. I love taking photo's/video and creating things. 

Please a look arround, make yourself at home I read all comments posted. 

All the opinions on this site are my own and do not reflect the policy's or culture of my employers 

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Entries by Graham Royston (156)


Music Video - Black Ops on Berlin Wall

Simply awesome! Love the playing air guitar with a assualt rifle.





Minecraft Mini Doc



Minecraft fans here's a great little documentry on the Creator of minecraft aka 'Notch'. The video is just over 20 mins long and introuces the man who single handeldly created minecraft, see how his little 'hobby project' has grown into an achual company thanks to the game phononal sucess and a glimpse into the possible future for the team.

A bit of Background

Minecraft is and independant game created from the mind of Swedish borne Markus Persson know to the community as Notch (His twitter name). In a break from the norm of game developement Notch realses the 1st version of his game, which back then was simply it a hobby project, as an alpha version. This allowed anyone interested to play the game while it was being developed. With no marketing what so ever the highly adictive Minecraft became viral through word or mouth alone. Towards the end of 2010 everyone was talking about the game that wasn't even anywhere near finnish, describing it using terms such as 'Minecraft is like crack'. Personnally, I think the reason why the game is so adicive is simply because in Minecraft you can literly build just about anything in your own private world I guess that speaks to the hunders of hours I spent building lego as I grew up. Or I just have a god complex. You decided.

If your you've never heard of Minecraft or want to know more about the game at least go check out some youtube video's of which there is a great many! 

Enjoy the Vid Doc



Japanese ghost prank - Video

Jerramy Beadle could learn a thing or two from these guys.





Song Of The Day - Skinny Love (Birdy)

I'd like to introduce a new feature to the site. I've been hearing a lot of new music i'd like to bring to your attenson so I shall do just that in this new feature. For lack of inspiration we shall call it song of the day. I think I should premise that with just because its called 'song of the day' it doen't necessary mean I will be post a song everyday. Don't want to get in the habbit of positng any old crap.

Anyways Enjoy


Time wasting blog post about blogging

Hey hey Party people. 

Can't remember the last time I wrote a blog post so I should make an effort. I warn you now as i'm typing I have no idea what I wanna say and I'm partaking in my CSI sunday ritual out the corner of my eye so expect this to be simply a lot of ramblings for a tired me...

I want to write something really interesting here, something that demonstrates my brilliant insight into some burning topic of the moment yet all's i'm getting is a mental brick wall. Achually that gives me an idea on what to write about.

Blogging is a funny old game. Many people set out to start their own blog and for the majority of people one of two things will happen. Either they will start off strong post at least a few times a week but then quickly get board and stop. For these people I have a theory that they only blog because they see it as a chance to be seen. Not that thats a bad thing, isn't that what most people want, to be recognized for doing something memorable? The other thing thats happens to new bloggers is they fall into the trap of of simply blogging about the boarding mundane things that they do in there day-to-day life such as what they had for tea or what's their plans are for a week on Thursday. I also think that some people think too much, either they try to force a blog post because they fell they must post or they worry too much about the thought of people, strangers and friends reading their thoughts and making unwanted judgment and so nothing interesting come out. So with these theorys in mind here's a few tips to the newbies of the blogging world.   

  1. Blog because you want to.
  2. Write as if only you will be reading what you post (but don't write anything that could get you in trouble).
  3. If your blogging to get readers thats cool but expect it to take a while. You could be writing for months before you get followers. 
  4. Most of all NO 'I had xxx for tea' posts'! keep it interesting and have a point or what would be the point in having something to say?

Well, that's my thought for the day but before I return to the cheezy one liners of CSI: Miami it would be arporiate to finnish of with a heads on a good blog and at the same time I can give a shout out to a friends new blog. Suzy is fairly new to blogging but I think she's already got a good grip on what a good blog should be so go have a read of Eeep i'm a blogger i'm sure it will amusing and intruige you. 

Don't go Changin' 


Cover - Creeds Arms Wide Open by Boyce Avenue

This is what I love about youtube. Every now and again I come accross some awesome music from some random performer i've never heard of. Sometimes it will be a completly original track others it's a cover but either way the unending tallent people have never fails to both amaze and make me very envyous. 

Today I'd like to show you this performace of Creeds - Arm's Wide Open. This is performed by Boyce Avenue, they chosen a classic tune and they have done the song justice, i instantly fell in love the sound of the guitar on this.

If you like what you see go check out there youtube channel or official site for more.

Sit back, close your eyes and enjoy



Green Lantern - Wondercon Footage

Now, the 1st official traliler for Green Lantern was ok but left people unsure. Wispers that the movies producers weren't even happy with the trailer seems to expalin the release of this extra footage. This glimps into the story explain a lot more about the plot and chartcters we can expact to see. 

Now i'm even more excited about whats to come this summer. I feel like this movie shouldn't work but i'm hoping for something good.

What's your thoughts? Looking forward to see Green Lantern, do you think Ryn Reynolds is a good cast choice for the lead role? (Personnaly I think he can't do anything wrong)

Leave me a comment bellow and let me know what you think.

Peace out 



Crazy Stupid Love Trailer

Check out Steve Carell's next movie. Looks more like 'Dan in Real Life' than 'Date Night'. Look like a decent movie though Emma Stone and Kevin Bacon are two names that stand out for me.

What do you like? Gonna see it your not your bag?



A little short story of a man named Frank

Continuing with the 'I love Frank Turner' theme of this blog here's a short about the man. 

Watch it, you can see why he in an ispiration to not just me but thousands of people! 

Enjoy and be inspired


(Thanks to Relentless for putting this together)


The Three Musketeers (2011) [Trailer 1]

Didn't know this was on the cards until today but i'm on board! 

The repeated mention of 3D in the  trailer does make it sound cheesy though.