Music thats been coming in my earlobs

In all the excitement of the IOS realse i've not had time to do much blogging but I thought i'd share some muics thats been grabbing my attension this week...
Snow Patrol - This Isn't Everything You Are
Following on from the amazing Called out in the Dark This is the video for there nex single to be release. I've only listened twice and I'm hooked! Based on these 2 tracks allone I will be buying the new ablum Fallen Empires when it realises 12th Novemeber.
Christina Perri - Jar of Hearts Official Video
I know this is been out a while, just for reference I called this one when I 1st heard it a while back. Still can't get it out my head great track.
Charlene Soraia - 'Wherever You Will Go'
Reconise this song? It's The Calling man! You might has heard this on already on the TV, it's beeing used in an ad for Twinings Tea. Scott Mills (BBC Radio 1) played the full version earlier in the week, I think its pritty good. What do you think? Rather we stick to the original version?
Got any hot tips for good bands you've been listening too? Hit my up in the comments box.
I'm hoping to do a full ISO post but think it's gonna be quiet time consuming. Watch this space
Love to your mum