Paranormal Activity 3 Trailer

Ok Some poo just came out!
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Ok Some poo just came out!
Here's a look at the 1st official trailer for Haywire. I'm undecided on this one. Got a strong Nikita feel to it but can't help thinking this has been done before why bother. Having said that the action scene in the trailer look promising and the cast isn't too bad.
I'm thinking cheesy but watchable
Now, the 1st official traliler for Green Lantern was ok but left people unsure. Wispers that the movies producers weren't even happy with the trailer seems to expalin the release of this extra footage. This glimps into the story explain a lot more about the plot and chartcters we can expact to see.
Now i'm even more excited about whats to come this summer. I feel like this movie shouldn't work but i'm hoping for something good.
What's your thoughts? Looking forward to see Green Lantern, do you think Ryn Reynolds is a good cast choice for the lead role? (Personnaly I think he can't do anything wrong)
Leave me a comment bellow and let me know what you think.
Peace out
Check out Steve Carell's next movie. Looks more like 'Dan in Real Life' than 'Date Night'. Look like a decent movie though Emma Stone and Kevin Bacon are two names that stand out for me.
What do you like? Gonna see it your not your bag?
Didn't know this was on the cards until today but i'm on board!
The repeated mention of 3D in the trailer does make it sound cheesy though.
Here it is boy n girls. The 1st 'Captain America: The 1st Avenger' official trailer.
Don't know about you but look ok so far.
You know this I going the to be big! Just hope it lives up to the promises made by its predoseser.
You know... screw it it's gonna be aweseome :D
Look at this little treat. The official trailer of X-men 1st Class. I'm on board, are you?
Other big movie news coming out of the Superbowl was a new Trailer for JJ Abraham's new flick Super 8. Up until now JJ has been following his usual strategy of keeping the tightest of lids on any info on the movie or even what it is about. He famously did this with Cloverfield and also repeated a smilar tactic with the TV show lost with great effect.
But this time around JJ has opted to follow the more traditional route and not only give us a trailer which shows us some of what we can expect but also a plot! Here's a little quote from JJ himself which give a little insight into why the change of plan
To me, all people need to know is that it’s an adventure about a small town and it’s funny, it’s sweet, it’s scary and there’s a mystery: What is this thing that has escaped? What are the ramifications of its presence? And what is the effect on people? But I know that’s not enough. Look, I feel we need a little bit of a coming-out party because we are up against massive franchises and brands and most people don’t know what ‘Super 8' means. We’re a complete anomaly in a summer of huge films.. and we don’t want to be so silent or coy that people don’t care or don’t hear about it. JJ Abrahams
The movie is actually two project idea's put into one. The 1st a movie about the government being forced into moving secrets via late night freight train as a result of the paranoia that surrounded area 51 in the 80's. The 2nd movie was an idea for a stand-by-style story about a group of teenagers becoming adult as seen through super 8 footage. By putting these average plot idea together a compelling and original story was born...
Set in Ohio in 1979, 'Super 8' introduces a group of six youngsters who use Super 8 cameras (hence the title) to film their own homemade zombie films in the surrounding area. However, when they find themselves near a lonely stretch of railroad tracks during a cataclysmic trainwreck, they capture the event on film and witness something inhuman escape from the resulting wreckage.
So all you JJ Abrahams fans are you glad he broke from tradition and gave us something to look forward to or would you have prefared that you didn't know what to expect as you queued up at the cinema to buy your tickets?
Thanks for readiing
For them that missed it here's the latest Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon trailer which aired yesterday during the Superbowl I'm sorry but it was not world cup).
My thoughts on the trailer... OMG looks even more epic!
Are you guy's n galls excited or was the 2 'token' robots in the last movie enough to put you off for life?Comments bellow people.