
Hello my name is Graham Royston, I work in the entertaiment industry for a large cinema chain. I love taking photo's/video and creating things. 

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Green Lantern - Wondercon Footage

Now, the 1st official traliler for Green Lantern was ok but left people unsure. Wispers that the movies producers weren't even happy with the trailer seems to expalin the release of this extra footage. This glimps into the story explain a lot more about the plot and chartcters we can expact to see. 

Now i'm even more excited about whats to come this summer. I feel like this movie shouldn't work but i'm hoping for something good.

What's your thoughts? Looking forward to see Green Lantern, do you think Ryn Reynolds is a good cast choice for the lead role? (Personnaly I think he can't do anything wrong)

Leave me a comment bellow and let me know what you think.

Peace out 


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