100 Days, 100 Films Challenge

Two weeks ago Lotti came up with this bright idea. She calls me up and say "I've got it, we (notice the 'we' before I even know what going on), we are going to do 100 film in 100 days". Now the inspiration for this little challenge is from our good friend Suzy. Recently she has become a prolific blogger I highly recommend you check it out here. One of the features of her blog is The Book Challenge where Suzy is attempting to read the BBC’s top 100 book list in 18 months, mental.
So in a similar vain Lotti's plan is for us to watch IMDB's top 100 movies in 100 days. I suspect Lotti didn't think this through before committing to this, most of the films on there are more suited to me than her lol. We will be keeping track of where we are up to here on her blog where she will cross of each film as we see them. We started the challenge on 8th October so that means we have until 15th January 2012 to get them all done. Piece of cake right? Everyone loves to watch movie? Erm, so far we are 15 days in and only 6 movies are off the list, 3 of which we watched today, humm something tells me this isn't gonna be as simple as it sounds???
So that's the challenge, as I said earlier we are already into the challenge. We're both planning to do a little review was we tick another film off the list so bellow I've done just that to bring me up-to-date.
Batman: Dark Knight (2008)
What an awesome choice to kick off a marathon of a task! Man I have forgotten what an great film this is, no wonder it made the top 100. Heath Ledger just steels the show with his performance. Because I've already seen Dark Knight a few times I found it easier to appreciate the nuances Heath puts into his character there's a word on the tip of my tongue to describe it but it's alluding me right now it's not genius or inspired but it's along them lines. I do have one grip about the film and i'm sad to say it's with the main character himself Batman! You know what i'm going to say but if I don't mention it I'll seem like a closed minded fan boy. It's his 'Batman' voice, that really bad attempt at disguising his voice by making it sound like he's doing a lame Jack Ass stunt. I found it really hard to take him seriously, that voice is very distracting. Let's all pray that he drops it for The Dark Knight Rises.
Giving this bad boy 5/5
The Matrix (1999)
Believe it or not The Matrix was release in 1999, that about 12 years ago and I still think it hold up as a kick ass stylish movie. I found it as, if not more, entertaining as the 1st time I watched it. (*spoiler alert*) The final scene where Neo finally realises he's the one and kick Smith's ass still has me as giddy as a little school boy. There's been a common theme I've been finding whilst doing this challenge, most of the films on the list i've already seen before but this time around I'm noticing details and subtle moments that I've never noticed. The Matrix being no exception I spotted loads of little nuggets of hidden clues which had me even more enthrawled than before.
5/5 for this one too, very entertaining, great action scenes and an awesome concept.
Some Like It Hot (1959)
Made In 1959 staring Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis and Jack Lemmon the film is set in America during prohibition. The plot is 2 band members witness and Mob boss killing an informant. On the run from Mob Boss 'Spatz' (what a name) they cook up a plan to hide by dressing up as two ladies and join an all women's band who happended to be booked on the next train out of dodge. It's basically White Chicks means Nuns on the Run.
It's fair to say that hitting the play button on this little antique I wasn't exactly reaching for my popcorn in excited anticipation of the upcoming performance. Having said that I was holding out hope, having seen some of his other films, that Tony Curtis would make this a somewhat entertaining experience. He didn't disappoint. I found the film amusing to watch, very funny in places but a little drawn out in others.
Overall not a waste of time glad i've seen it but doubt i'll revisit 3/5
Wall-E (2008)
Now who doesn't love this movie? if you answered no then your dead inside, just sayin'. I've only watched this once before but it's defiantly up there as my favourite Pixar film. It has the whole package, great story, visually looks stunning, funny and loveable characters all the goodness Pixar are know for. If you haven't seen it you need it in your life.
Easy 5/5 for me
Back to the Future (1985)
Don't think I've seen this bad boy since I was in my early twenties (just a few years ago) Watching it was like being a kid again, good times. Think I enjoyed watching Lotti's reaction more than watching the film it's self. We had a good time watching, made me remember the time back in the day I wanted a Delorean time machine so much I made one out of Lego, hehe.
Everyone's seen this so no in depth review needed i'm sure you'll agree. Needless to say I enjoyed watching this as always enormously entertaining.
HELLO McFLY... easy 4/5. Right i'm off to play with the time circuit replica app for the iphone I found whilst searching for an image for this post :)... peace out
Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981)
What a classic, Harrison Ford showing how to be a true man. If you not seen this jem of a classic adventure then you've been missing out. Crazy Nazi German's trying to beat Indy to the Ark of the Covenant by solving ancient clues and battling spiders and snakes. Lara Croft learnt everything she knows from these 'educational' movies.
It's Harrison Ford, It's Indiana, its 5/5
Well that bring me just about where we are, don't forget check out the list over on Laura's blog if your interested in the challenge or wanna see where we are up to. We are both planning to write review on what we see to check her review over there to. Mine will be on this blog under the tag 100films/100days.
Wish us luck