D10 Interview with Tim Cook

Tim Cook is the man deemed fit take over the reins at Apple after the passing of Steve Jobs. Steve himself chose Tim as his successor. When Tim's name appeared in my news streams, like many people, I said... who? This was a name I hadn't heard of but down the line we discover since 1998 he has been there in the background learning and waiting for his time to shine. This is a great look into who Tim his and after watching this I think he is the man to take Apple forward.
In the interview Tim shares his perspective on where Apple is and where the company is going. He also talks about the culture of Apple that Steve started and shares his final day with Steve and tells the story of how Steve left explicit instructions for Tim and the Apple creatives not to ask "What would Steve do", just do what right. This interview was from a cpouple of weeks ago. It's interesting watching this with the hindsight of having watched Apples WWDC keynote from last Monday as some of his answers, or rather none answers illude to some of what was shown their.
If your interested in Apple, innovation or just inspiration into how a business show be run I recommend you check out this small peak into the Apple culture.
Whats D10? D is a conference that happens every year put on by respected AllThingsD.com, a Web site devoted to news, analysis and opinion on technology, the Internet and media. The 10 part simply means the 10th conference. The conference is noted for it's in depth interview with some of the most influential people in tech some of which are know for the avoidance to speaking publicly in this manner which I think speak to the credit of this event. The most noted interviews at a D conference where a series of interview with Steve Jobs one of which was Steve and Bill gates together, awesome to watch. I'll be sharing more interviews from D10 that i find interesting so watch this space.
What do you think of the interview? Do you think Tim is the right man for the job? Do you think Tim will continue the culture Steve started and drive Apple to great innovation?