Movie Review - Killers

I was late to see Killers and I very nearly didn't see it at all, inicial reports I was receiving weren't good but I'm a strong Ashton Kutcher fan and I love Katherine Heigl too so I decided to put my trust in them.
I'm soooooo glad I ignored the critics and went to see Killers for myself. What a brilliant onscreen matchup, the hilarious and slightly daft acting style of these two compliment each other greatly and the result is a very fun movie to watch. Both these very established actors play their parts fantastically with the perfect level of whit, charm and humility we've come to expect and as sure as night follows day laugh out loud moments are certain. I have to say I really enjoyed seeing Ashton play the part of a government agent with a licence to kill, he really did kick some ass I wonder if we are to see him in more action movies to come? The Heigl's character was a hilarious to watch especially seeing how she reacts to the news that her Husband, to whom she has been married to for 3 years, used to kill people for a living. Of course in true Heigl style gun fire, car chases and dead bodies doesn't put a dampener on her appetite as 80% of the movie has her eating something, now thats my kinda girl! Together I could really believe they were a married couple who were completely in love with each other, they really sold their relationship the the audience and as a result they provided some heart warming moments.
Killers is defiantly not going to win any critics choice awards but i'm not claiming to be a critic. I like what I like and on the whole I like fun, enjoyable, feel good movies that I can enjoy with my girlfriend I don't need elaborate plots which twist and turn and immaculate continuity. This is defiantly a fun movie to see. Go see this and I guarantee you will leave the cinema feeling good.
Grab the other half, head to the cinema ask the girl behind the counter for 2 tickets to she Killers and have a good time. Don't forget to tell them I sent you...
BTW: I'd love to hear what you thought of the movie so please leave a comment bellow.