
Hello my name is Graham Royston, I work in the entertaiment industry for a large cinema chain. I love taking photo's/video and creating things. 

Please a look arround, make yourself at home I read all comments posted. 

All the opinions on this site are my own and do not reflect the policy's or culture of my employers 

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Entries in time lapse (1)


Great Time Lapse, Birth to 12yrs old in 2mins 45 seconds

Look at this great time lapse of girl from birth to 12yrs old in just a few minutes.

Lotte Time Lapse: Birth to 12 years in 2 min. 45. from Frans Hofmeester on Vimeo.


What a great way to remember your child growing up! This must have taken some serious dedication the farther video'd his daughter EVERY WEEK for 12 years wow. It look like it's the same camera and lens everytime crazy