
Hello my name is Graham Royston, I work in the entertaiment industry for a large cinema chain. I love taking photo's/video and creating things. 

Please a look arround, make yourself at home I read all comments posted. 

All the opinions on this site are my own and do not reflect the policy's or culture of my employers 

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Entries in flash (1)


BTS Funny shoot


In my bid to learn more about photography i've been following a few websites to gleen info. One of my favourites is called fstoppers.com which is an online resource for professional photographers. You'll find loads of info on the site such as photographer profiles and product reviews but also they have lots of behind the scenes video's (BTS) of photo shoots submitted not only by the founders of the site but its users to. There's a ton of video's to watch here covering just about any type of photography you could want so dip in and enjoy.

I don't want to make a habit of just posting video's that are put on Fstoppers.com here, that would just be pointless however I had to post this one for two reasons. 1) The video has some great basic info on lighting and 2) Klaus is hilarious, although I suspect he's not real and maybe not even a photographer.

If you're into photography and looking for inspiration or just want to see how other photographers do it I would suggest you take a look at Fstopper.com