Lazy Morning blogity

Word up party people, it's Tuesday and it's my day off! I'm doing my best to relish this day off because The next 2 1/2 are stacking up to be very very busy at work which I'm looking forward to although Lotti probably is wondering what I look like. So it's the morning i'm in bed so what to do... BLOG
Readers of my blog will know I recently started a new position which i'm glad to say is going very well. In fact better than expected. I absolutely love my new role much more than I though I would when I 1st applied. The only problem is that this role is just a secondment position so i'm hoping circumstance chance so my role can be made permanent either where I am now or another venue. Watch this space.
Lets see what new? Me and my good buddy Rob took a trip to Manchester city centre to visit the Apple store and take a look around the city. We are not frequent flyers of Manchester so we thought it would be a bit of an adventure. Highlight of the day, apart from the Apple sore (goes without saying), was a Chinese all you can eat buffet in china town for tea, mmmm. Made the rookie mistake or eating McD's earlier though so didn't have as much room as I would have liked.
Train home was not fun! Has to miss 2 of them just coz is was so busy, we did chose 5pm, aka rush hour, as a time to return home. Not a good idea at all! Even after missing x2 trains we were still jammed into that train car like sardines with nothing to hold onto whilst the train stop and started so the ride home consisted or us inappropriately falling over commuting girls and business type people... awkward.
After recovering from the Manchester trip I was feeling energised to get some home DIY done so I set to work completing the next few stage of my porch project of the house. I finished sanding down the door then re-varnished it in a Church Oak stain, which I love by the way. Some one might need to come stop me before I use it on every piece of wood in the house. Also added a shelf and a hook for dog lead. Almost done with this bit of the house now, I'm getting great feed back from the few who've seen the porch as it is now. Just need to sort the cupboard and it's door an voila, cool, hip, modern entrance to a home done!
O o in other DIY news another stage has been completed on onther part of the house I'm particularly excited about! Were have I real wood burning fire installed in our back room. I'm so giddy I could wet my pants. There was lot to do when we start this but the hard work is done, brinks removed and then reset to make the fire place, base set in concrete and yesterday the wall plaster. Just tiles to be set wall to be painted and fire to be fitted. It's gonna be a cosy winter at castle Royston.
Right need to cut this post sort ment to meeting a friend right know ;0)
Peace out