Coming to Xbox 360... E3 Announcements round up (pt1)

Now, I know I’m a little late out of the gate here but as I’m sure most of you are aware E3 happened recently and Microsoft have announced some amazing feature coming to the Xbox 360 and Xbox live. Here’s my run down of what’s in the pipeline.
1st off Xbox announced their answer to the ever evolving world of social networking. They are teamed up with two of the big hitters in this space, Twitter and Facebook, to bring these services right into your Xbox 360 gaming experience through Xbox live.
Facebook– This addition to Xbox live will mean you will always be connected to you friends any time, any where, any couch. But this service wont only be limited to updating your status or sharing pictures. Through Facebook’s service ‘facebook connect‘ you will also be given the ability to share your in game glory monents by posting updates and screen shots directly to your account.I can’t wait to start posting pic’s of my plasma grenades going off in my buddies face!
Twitter– The guys from Twitter can add yet another Twitter client to their, already massive, list of 3rd part apps to leverage their service. Right from your 360 you’ll be able to post status’s, read all the updates from the people you are already following and reply to any direct messages you may have, meaning you’ll always have your finger on the pulse without even having to leave your arm chair.
Last.Fm –In an unexpected, but welcome, announcement the Last.Fm service will be coming to Xbox Live’s Gold members. Many of you Iphone users will be familiar with this service but this will be the 1st time its been used in such a way that it could be an integral part of your day to day entertainment. This service provides its users the ability to create personalised radio stations based on your musical taste and then music is streamed to the user, thus meaning you will have unlimited access to more music than you could ever actually listen too…sweet. All you illegal downloaders who have a guilty conscience can sleep easy knowing you have a LEGAL alternative (*you know who you are).Did I mention the best bit? this service is all free! *don’t forget you need to be a gold member of xbox live.
Movies –All you movie fans out there haven’t been left out in the cold either. Instant on movies will be available, no need for any discs or lengthy downloads, movies will simply be streamed straight to your console. All this viewing goodness will all be available in high definition, 1080p and 5.1 surround sound no less! In addition live party for movies was announced giving the ability to watch your favorite films with your xbox live friends in a party.
Personally I can’t wait to see these services come to my 360, I’m an avid user of all things in the social networking space and I find it fascinating all the ways creative ways designers bring all these different service together to make one big happy family… awe (blurr, pass the sick bag). Post your comments bellow, let me know what you think about these service, too much? clouding what the 360 is all about? great? one more excuse to pick an xbox over other consoles? Stay tuned for next part of my e3 run down coming soon…
P.s. Once these services are launched i’ll try to do a full run down of exactly what you can and can’t do with them.