Introducing the Chief's Adventures

Readers of this blog will know I've been delving into the world of photography. I'm very much a novice, oh so very much a novice lol. One tip I keep getting from photographers is to have a little project. The idea being this will give you some focus which will mean you'll be able to concentrate on learning without too many distractions. I'm the type of person who really must heed these pearls of wisdom as I get distracted way too easy, especially when the distraction is shiny new gadget orientated.
Simply deciding on a project to focus on has taken months but I've finally got something in mind that I can get my teeth into. As i'm literally a big kids I have decided to shoot toys! I have a number of them laying around the house so I may as well put them to an alternative use. Begging this project i'm focusing on one toy in particular a small figure of the Master Chief (main character of my all time favourite game halo). I've simply named him The Chief. Not very original I know but I think it's effective.
So here's the 1st photo, I'm still ironing out where exactly i'll be posting the photo but all will defiantly be appearing on this dedicated page. They will probably find there way onto this blog and my google+ page so they're be plenty of places to check them out.
Hope you enjoy them, I've very excited about taking them and seeing the final results
Reader Comments (2)
G, this is such a good idea! I was thinking 'it would be so cool if he did like toys doing normal human things' - and that's exactly what you've done ha! I like the iphone one and the one where he looks like he's climbed the coke can. Keep them coming! Are you planning on doing other characters too? x
Hehe cheers Suzy, glad you like them. I've got loads of idea's for new photo's and other characters. Don't wanna get carried away to soon still got a few techniques to learn to get the pictures looking how I want them too. Proving interesting using only a point n shoot camera. Took a few more today so will be posting more very soon.