Iphone app Suggestion - Autostich
Ok i’ve not been doing a good job of keeping this updated seen as my last post was March 24th!
I’ve been doing more and more surfing of the old tinternet so I figure why not talk about some of the more ‘interesting’ things I come across. So here we go…
1st off is a little iphone app for anyone wanting to get a little more from their iphone’s camera. The app is called AutoStich. It pretty much does what it says on the tin. Take a series of overlapping photo’s, select them in Autoostich and the app will mash them together to make one big photo. The £1.19 price tag is great value for money, weather you want if for serious photography or just for fun Photostich is defiantly the best app out there of its kind.

A quick update, with the latest Autostich update cropping has been added. This mean once you have your finnished photo you can very easily crop the excess photo from around the edges before saving, simples ;-)
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