Hello and welcome to Official G, the one stop shop for all thing related to me (how vain does that crap sound?). I started this site because building websites is something i've wanted to do for years but never got round to. I love web design and now I have a place to tinker and play with it, yeay for me. I hope for this site to be a place where people with similar interests will find useful info and maybe leave their input to.
About Graham (aka G)
Graham grew up in a small Village on the outskirts of Blackburn. As a small boy he spent most of his time idolizing his hero Supertead whilst trying to master the complexities of not peeing the bed. As time past he realized it was time to grow up so he moved onto bigger and better things such as building den's in the woods and doing stunt on the mountain bike his parents bought him as last ditch effort get him out of the house.
Graham enjoyed school, his thirst to learn more coupled with his natural curiosity with how things work led him towards the way of the Sciences. All through his academic life Graham believed he was destine to became a master in his field, what ever that maybe, robotic engineer perhaps, but little did he know destiny had other plans for him...
After much deliberation Graham decided the next step after college was a BSc in Computer science. He couldn't wait to sink his teeth into studies and after the opening talk his course tutor had given about possible futures this course could take a person on he knew he had made he right choice.
At this point we must inject a little background info on what Graham was doing during his time away from College. You see, up until the last year of college Graham had lived a life of a quiet, shy and unthreatening person who always avoided any conflict or awkward situations. Graham decided no more, he wanted to become more confident. He decided the best way to do this was to put himself in a situation where he was surround by lots of people, so what better than to get a job working in the busyest nightclub in Blackburn Utopia.
Being so lacking in confidence Graham didn't have the bottle to work behind the bar so he took a job as a glass collector. However the current manager at the time, Richard Ryan, saw the awesome potential he had and waited for the right opportune moment to suggest that Graham should move onto the bar. Incidently that moment was at the end of a very heavy nights drink at Atlantis Bolton. Drunkenly Graham agreed to try bar work and found himself working the busiest bar in the club on his very next shift, is 1st thought as the doors opening?... "Shit!" To his surprise Graham found his feet very quickly and before long found himself bar Supervisor of said bar creatively name 'bar 1'.
The longer Graham worked at Utopia the more his young impressionable mind loved it. You see, for people who work in the industry, especially nightclubs, it was not just a job but a way of life. Because of the nature of the business the people you worked with were also the people you partied with and believe me, there were a lot of parties happening. Life at that time was simply about having a good time in or out of work.
Would you adam and eve it, i've gotta go, i guess the rest it to be continued...
Ok so i’ve decided rather than re any who may come across this blog with details on what I had for breakfast I though i’d attempt to make it at least a little useful. So going forward i’m going to use it to post about all sorts of random stuff I learn about as I surf across the vastness of the web.
Just to pre-warn you most of this is likely to be tech stuff… just so you know